Starbucks Barista Starts a Disturbing Trend in Lewd and Sleazy Messages Written on Clients’ Coffee Cups

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graphic-NNNRecently in internet news, a message that a Starbucks barista left on a client’s coffee cup went viral. With a witty play-on-words, he let her know that she is extremely hot. This is something that he has been doing regularly in the hopes of raising the probability that someone will give him their number. This particular person was just the first with a nosey and uptight mother who decided to post it online. I am sure others will now come forward revealing that they too are extremely hot, foamy, or that he would love to give extra cream with a sly wink.












Yet it seem that the barista in question has sparked a trend among Starbucks employees as other patrons are receiving similar messages from randy baristas. 86 year-old Meryl Campbell from New Hampshire ordered a grande cappuccino  and got message from the barista saying, “I want to lick your face,Meryl.” Meeting Paul after his shift at Starbucks later on that day, Meryl said that he followed through on his promise and more.

coffe2As you would expect, there have also been a number of fakers turning the tables on the Starbucks barista. Kevin Dodd, a lawyer from Seattle,  Washington, ordered a Chai latte and barista Adam, who is a fine specimen of man-sense, noticed that Kevin was kind of leering at him. When Kevin came up again to buy a muffin, he claimed that Adam had written a message on his latte that he had only just noticed: “Fuck my brains out, Kevin.” Kevin felt the barista needed to follow through on his latte promise for it constituted a  contract that Adam needed to fulfil. Adam informed his manager, Vince, that he saw Kevin writing the message himself on the cup, and although Adam felt an attraction to Kevin, he also felt that the minimum wage he was being paid wasn’t enough to add that extra service to his workload. Kevin was contacted to offer his version of the story, but he declined to comment.



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