7 reasons why a job sucks and most bosses are assholes

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Graphic-SRRNo matter what field you’re in — health, engineering, media, education, design, etc. — you (most likely) answer to some form of hierarchical authority. Because we essentially prostitute our time for monetary gain in order to survive, we are beholden to the whims, demands and scrutiny of bosses. They are always determined to get the maximum from their wage slaves. The word “manage” comes from a French word that means “to look after horses,” so there is good reason for you to feel you are treated like a horse.

Your boss notices a range of qualities about you, because her/his job is to be an asshole. Whether you like it or not, here are the attributes they observe regularly, as what would normally be considered stalking is, in a work environment, called “management.”

  1. How early you arrive…

wg4Are you getting to work at 8 a.m., 9 a.m., or 10? Different work cultures require different hours (some offices don’t even have a set arrival time). Getting to work on time sets the pace for the rest of the day’s obedient adherence to your organisation’s needs. The school bell growing up prepped us effectively for the rest of our working lives.

  1. …And how late you leave

wg5Again, you may not have a specified 9-to-5 shift, but reflect on the time you and others are leaving work every day. Personnel in work environments are made of two types: those who want to suck up and aspire one day to become slave masters themselves, and the majority who loathe their jobs and do their utmost to accomplish the least. Watch out for those always leaving late and always letting everyone know about it. They are not to be trusted.

  1. The way you dress

How you present yourself is and always will be important at work. It’s not enough that they control the majority of our waking hours; they then even tell us what we can and can’t wear. Conformity and a clone-like mentality are widespread at work. Individuality and self-expression are not considered of benefit to the organisation; you are there to work, not to be yourself.  Tin-god bosses will gleefully let you know what you can and can’t wear. Like an overbearing mother, their intrusiveness knows no boundaries.

  1. How you’re using technology

eg2Nowadays, there are so many ways at work not to do your work. Technology has allowed avenues to escape the crushing mundanity of work with pleasant Candy-Crush-type distractions. It will be a cat-and-mouse game with your boss as you try to cover your digital tracks, from the porn you watch to the Facebook likes you give, not to mention the videos of cats flushing toilets.

  1. The words you use

wg1Words are the constructs of our thoughts. Part of the total control and ownership your boss tries to lord over you will consist of censoring the words that come out of your mouth. Honesty about your feelings has to be suppressed constantly, because if they allowed employees to vent their true distain for their management and work load, our economy would come to a halt.

  1. If you’re fitting in

You boss will be noticing whether you’re behaving like the compliant, docile robot you have been employed to be. Laughing at their jokes, pretending to give a shit about your monthly target, and other humiliating lies are required to get the money you need to feed your family. Most work is considered soul-destroying for a reason.

  1. How you manage your time

critical-thinkingTime is the most precious commodity we all have, yet it has been turned into one which we sell and our bosses buy. Our time is theirs, and they expect that for a meagre, less-than-living wage we are meant to use that time to help them accrue more wealth and power. Time is something we can never get back, and when we sell our most precious and vital years to an economic system that cares about nothing but its own sociopathic advancement, you’d think it’s about time to sit up and ask, “What the fuck?”



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