A lot of people tend to assume that celebrities, especially those who pursue a career in acting and entertainment, are either college dropouts, high school graduates or just somehow fucked their way to the top. While that may be true for some, there are a few A-D list names in Hollywood who are actually smarter than you’d think. Carrie Underwood, Emma Watson and James Franco are dummies compare to these stars. Take a look at some of the most underrated (and smartest) famous people.
Not Noteworthy NEWS
Here we will be taking a look at stories in the news that seem absurd, ridiculous or serve as vanity porn for the protagonists. Either way, we will do our best to make fun of them and be hyper-judgmental about the people in the news we think are worthy of derision and ridicule.

Starbucks Barista Starts a Disturbing Trend in Lewd and Sleazy Messages Written on Clients’ Coffee Cups
Recently in internet news, a message that a Starbucks barista left on a client’s coffee cup went viral. With a witty play-on-words, he let her know that she is extremely hot. This is something that he has been doing regularly in the hopes of raising the probability that someone will give him their number.

Local Community Breathes a Sigh of Relief as Police Finally Arrest the Fugitive Who Performed the Naked Ketchup Table Dance
“I was there with my three teenage sons and although they seemed to be enjoying it, I could tell deep within they were disturbed. This type of criminal offence needs to be punished. Taking your clothes off, when most probably high or suffering from a mental illness, and then dancing, is not the kind of inhibited and suppressed actions we expect of the younger generation.

Madonna Shares a Private and Intimate Birthday Message to her Daughter and her 5 Million Instagram Followers
It may be hard to believe that the reigning queen of pop is already 157, but with her daughter turning 19 today, Madonna reminds us how it’s all about Madonna.

Science Finds All Women Are at Least a Little Bit Gay and Men Nod Like “I Knew It”
So what this means is no matter how much your girlfriend says she isn’t attracted to her hot best friend, guys now have science to apply added pressure to have a threesome.”

This Couple Spent $300,000 on Plastic Surgery to Look Like Barbie and Ken, but They Ended Up Looking Like Two Freaks of Nature
Take for example the couple in Paris who have poured buckets of money into trying to turn themselves into the dolls their infantile personalities have been unable to let go of. Aren’t these people meant to get some kind of psych evaluation before they can do this kind of thing?

So, Should We All Be Giving Ourselves Semen Facials Now?
Last week, beauty blogger Tracy Kuss, who suffers from rosacea, waxed lyrical about how a mother load of cum is an excellent “cooling, natural skin treatment to soothe sensitive skin.”

Man Marries Pizza Because “Pizza Would Not Betray You…and I love it”
Pizza, in contrast, “would not reject you or betray you, and speaking quite frankly and sincerely, I love it. The worst thing she could give me is indigestion and in the long term, heart disease, which I think is worth the risk to get my lips around her cheesy parts.

School Threatens 7-year-old with Expulsion for Potentially Infecting Other Students with the Gay Virus.
It’s a known fact that gayness spreads like Ebola and that just by coughing on someone, you can catch the gay. When it was first discovered that she was in direct contact with a gay, the girl was immediately quarantined in the girls’ P.E lockers rooms

Bride proves she’s a virgin to father at wedding with a doctor’s certificate stamped “Cherry un-popped”
A bride sparked praise and pride in the Christian community after presenting her father with a gynaecologist-signed “certificate of purity” on her wedding day to prove she was a virgin and had never done any hardcore twerking, gone horseback riding, or participated in any riding whatsoever. The church erupted with joy when it was announced her hymen was intact, even though the same couldn’t be said for her dignity.