Fashion and Tech industries do a have a lot in common in way they successful create false needs, wants and desires in the citizenry so Joe Public just mindlessly and continuously buys more and more useless shit at the price of destroying our earth and undermining our personal sense of worth and value.
Why bringing your smart phone to the swings to watch your kids play is good parenting
watching my five-year-old daughter Poppy play on the swings, monkey bars, or whatever you call those kiddie contraptions is one of the most boring events you will to pretend to enjoy as a parent.
How to Keep the Flame of Fake Love Alive in your Marriage
Being married or in a long-term relationship is a blessing and a curse. But often, and for many, it’s a curse. A dreary and soul crushing curse that sucks the life force from you one day at a time.
Dolmio Sauce tries to hack our brain into thinking it gives a shit
Of course, all of this rests on the premise these mothers are so piss-weak and lacking in any parental authority whatsoever, that their capacity to just walk over and turn the TV off or take away their baby twats devices themselves, is a total non-idea in the first place.
3 ways to remind yourself you’re a terrible parent
So if you don’t already think you doing a bad job as a parent, it’s because you’re probably in denial. Yet, if on some rare occasion you start to feel good about the obvious “bad” job you’re doing of being a parent, here are 3 sure-fire ways to ensure you bring yourself down a peg or three in the fantastic parents stakes.
Selena Gomez wins FHM’s “Sexiest Feminist of the Year” award for her music video “Good For You”
“In the most sexist and boner inducing of videos, she denounces the prevailingly feminist message of objecting to the objectification of women and, rebelliously, Selena embraces it and owns it.
You Can’t Believe What Milla Jovovich’s Daughter Looks Like
With such a tantalizing click-bait headline for an article, I guess you expect to read something shocking, like she has two heads, but brace yourself for something that is two headless — but just as shocking.
Temporary pox tattoos are the latest way to jazz up your face
We’ll admit it: We’ve wanted chickenpox ever since that one cool girl showed up after the summer holidays with a fresh tan and perfectly septic skin.
And now, finally, we can fulfil our chickenpox-faced dream.
Want a Real Warrior’s Workout? Train with the Mace.
If Jon Snow (Game of Thrones), King Leonidas (300) and Maximus Decimus Meridius (Gladiator) all worked out together, this is probably the method they’d choose. I often imagine that after their workout they would shower together as well, maybe washing the dirt off each other’s backs, using the soapy sponge to get all those hard-to-reach spots. Then I guess they would let each other clean their hard mental maces. Yeah, I imagine that a lot.
3 Celebrities Who Are Way More Super Smart Than You Thought
A lot of people tend to assume that celebrities, especially those who pursue a career in acting and entertainment, are either college dropouts, high school graduates or just somehow fucked their way to the top. While that may be true for some, there are a few A-D list names in Hollywood who are actually smarter than you’d think. Carrie Underwood, Emma Watson and James Franco are dummies compare to these stars. Take a look at some of the most underrated (and smartest) famous people.